
Akademija Panta Rei (Panta Rei Academy) is the brand of the company Uspeh d.o.o.

Please contact us for information about training courses or business cooperation at

We are at your disposal on phone no. +386(0)1 511 30 71 every workday between 8.00 a.m. and 4.30 p.m.

Official data

Official data of the company Uspeh d.o.o., the owner of the Panta Rei Academy brand:

Company name:Uspeh d.o.o.
Company headquarters:Zarečje 27a, 6250 Ilirska Bistrica, Slovenia
Business unit Ljubljana and address for sending invoices:Stegne 21c, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Registration number:1616951
VAT ID number:SI77003993
Owners:Robert Rolih and Sara Brezigar

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Spol *

Spoštujemo vašo zasebnost, zato vaših podatkov ne bomo delili z nikomer. Obveščali vas bomo občasno o naših ugodnostih in naših seminarjih. Če tega ne boste želeli prejemati, se boste lahko odjavili z enim klikom. Preberite si našo politiko varovanja osebnih podatkov.