Brain Tracy

Brian Tracy is the world’s leading authority on business and personal success. His goal is to help you reach your goals faster than you could ever imagined.

During his 30-year career, more than 5 million people worldwide participated in his seminars. He is the author of 45 bestselling books and more than 300 audio programs, among others also the program Psychology of Success, which has been translated into more than 20 languages.

He has already consulted over 1,000 organizations, including IBM, Coca-Cola, Ford, 3M, Johnson & Johnson, American Express and Toyota. He is active both in the local communities and in international affairs.

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Spoštujemo vašo zasebnost, zato vaših podatkov ne bomo delili z nikomer. Obveščali vas bomo občasno o naših ugodnostih in naših seminarjih. Če tega ne boste želeli prejemati, se boste lahko odjavili z enim klikom. Preberite si našo politiko varovanja osebnih podatkov.