Robert G. Allen

Robert G. Allen is one of the most influential speakers of today’s time. For more than 30 years, he has been helping people worldwide to achieve above-average results, success and financial freedom by using »Multiple Streams of Income«.

He is the author of some of the best books about finance, including the New York Times »bestseller« Creating Wealth, Nothing Down, Multiple Streams of Income and into the Slovenian language translated »Millionaire in One Minute«, which he wrote together with Mark Victor Hansen, the cocreator of the series of books »Chicken Soup for the Soul.«

Today there are thousands of wealthy and financially free people worldwide who can attribute their success to using Robert’s systems and strategies. He is also a popular guest on television and radio shows. He participated in over one hundred programs, including the Larry King show, Good Morning America, and Regis Philbin.

His knowledge is summarized by global newspapers such as The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Barron’s, Money Magazines, Redbook, and Reader’s Digest.

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