Panta Rei d.o.o. operations under the E-Commerce call for proposals

Name of operation: Panta Rei d.o.o.

Description of the operation with the purpose, objectives and planned results of the operation:

The “Panta Rei d.o.o.” operation is co-financed through the Public Tender for the establishment or upgrading of electronic business in SMEs in the period 2019-2022 “E-BUSINESS 2019-2022”, namely within the framework of measures:

  • Electronic exchange between partners
  • Digitization of performances at fairs
  • Website for foreign markets
  • Product sales video
  • Strengthening of competences – training

The goal of the public tender from the perspective of the Operational Program for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy is to improve the opportunities for SMEs to enter or expand business in foreign markets by establishing or upgrading electronic business and thus increase their international competitiveness. The purpose of the operation is to support entry into global value chains and new markets and increase international competitiveness through the co-financing of eligible costs of establishing or upgrading electronic business. The results of the operation will be the establishment of a secure electronic exchange between partners, an appearance at a digital fair, a new website in two foreign languages, a product-sales video in a foreign language and the implementation of training to improve the competence of our employees.

Financial support:

The public tender for the selection of operations is partially financed by the European Union, namely from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The public tender for the selection of operations is carried out within the framework of the “Operational Program for the Implementation of the European Cohesion Policy in the period 2014-2020”, the priority axis “Increasing the international competitiveness of SMEs”; priority investments “Development and implementation of new business models for SMEs, especially in relation to internationalization”; of the specific objective “Increasing the international competitiveness of SMEs”.

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