Andrew Grill

Andrew Grill, known globally as “The Actionable Futurist,” is a sought-after keynote speaker, author, and thought leader with over 30 years of experience in technology and business transformation.

Growing up in a family-run small business in Adelaide, Australia, Andrew developed a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by entrepreneurs. His early exposure to small business operations—packing orders and managing logistics—combined with his later corporate leadership roles, including as an IBM Global Managing Partner, uniquely positions him to bridge the gap between small business realities and cutting-edge technology.

As the author of Digitally Curious, Andrew empowers leaders to navigate the fast-evolving digital landscape with curiosity and confidence. His book is packed with practical insights designed to help businesses thrive in an era of constant change.

Known for his dynamic speaking style, Andrew’s talks are not just inspirational but actionable, ensuring attendees leave with clear steps they can implement immediately. With a focus on AI and digital transformation, Andrew brings real-world examples, live demonstrations, and tailored advice that resonate with audiences of all sizes.

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