Henrik von Scheel

Henrik von Scheel is the initiator and mastermind behind the Digital Agenda for Europe, which today contributes 5% of the EU’s GDP.

His consultancy work has directly influenced 115 Fortune 500 companies and shaped the economic strategies of 24 countries.

Henrik was personally hired by Steve Jobs to provide strategic advice to Apple and was described by former Google CEO Eric Schmidt as “one of the best strategic advisors in the world.”

As a child, Henrik von Scheel faced two significant challenges: severe dyslexia (a reading and writing disorder) and stuttering. Yet, he transformed these difficulties into his greatest strengths by developing an extraordinary ability for pattern recognition. This talent earned him a reputation as someone who could identify emerging trends—whether in the economy, consumer behavior, or groundbreaking technologies such as artificial intelligence, digitalization, robotics, and biotechnology—long before others.

In 2008, Henrik became the driving force behind Germany’s digital transformation, which evolved into the Digital Agenda for Europe in 2010. His efforts ignited a wave of digital transformation and economic growth now valued at €660 billion.

While shaping Germany’s high-tech strategy, Henrik coined the term “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” a concept embraced by the global professional community. This term catalyzed a worldwide debate about the future of business and technology.

Henrik von Scheel has also been honored with the prestigious “Knowledge Award” for innovation in knowledge sharing, often referred to as the Nobel Prize in this field. This accolade was awarded by the visionary ruler of the United Arab Emirates.

Building on these accomplishments, Henrik’s primary focus today is identifying new technological and economic trends and sharing his insights with companies and governments to help them navigate the complex challenges of the future.

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