Magnus Lindkvist

Magnus Lindkvist, a renowned futurist and trend expert from Sweden, is celebrated for his captivating and inspiring lectures delivered to audiences worldwide.

As the author of seven books, including the bestsellers Everything We Know Is Wrong and When the Future Begins, Magnus combines a diverse range of expertise with a unique sense of humor and deep insights into the future.

Over the past decade, he has delivered over 1,000 seminars to varied audiences, ranging from entrepreneurs and sheikhs to CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.

His lectures delve into the effects of technological advancements, demographic shifts, and major trends on both personal and business life. He offers innovative perspectives to help entrepreneurs and leaders better navigate and prepare for the future.

Known for his dynamic presentation style and politically incorrect humor, Magnus ensures every seminar is a memorable experience.

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Spoštujemo vašo zasebnost, zato vaših podatkov ne bomo delili z nikomer. Obveščali vas bomo občasno o naših ugodnostih in naših seminarjih. Če tega ne boste želeli prejemati, se boste lahko odjavili z enim klikom. Preberite si našo politiko varovanja osebnih podatkov.